Many appropriate technologies, among which:
Recirculating Shower
Solar Sanitary Water Heater
Attic Ventilation
Over 30 m2 footprint in water tanks near or under the house. Water tanks 18 m3. Sand filter and ceramic filters.
Oxfam tigerworm toilet model, connected to a septic tank under the house. Common biogas tank to compost the material. Recirculating shower.
Minimal maintenance. Becoming a pension insurance for the poorest. Protecting from all adverse climate conditions.
27 m2 footprint, 2 sleeping mezzanines and a 2 m2 toilet/ shower box
Land-ownership can be replaced by ownership of the components on land of the government.
creating an urban farming micro-job with food production.
1/3 of food own use, 2/3 for local exchange and revenue generation. Combining a micro-job with caring for the children and elderly. Sustainable utilities.
Tridealhouse provides a micro-job and micro-income on the house itself
Tridealhouse provides more and better urban food (vegetables, fruits and small animals)
Tridealhouse creates a healthy and happy environment
Tridealhouse specifically empowers women and children
Tridealhouse fulfills WASH needs, it collects the rainwater in 18 m3 foundation tanks
Tridealhouse offers solar sanitary hot water + small solar LEDs
Tridealhouse provides a fulfilling micro-job and creates micro-economic communities
Tridealhouse empowers the poorest, provides the elderly with a pension and food security
Tridealhouse makes cities more sustainable and brings urban farming in cities
Tridealhouse empowers local communities
Tridealhouse is climate resilient and climate-friendly
Tridealhouse mobilizes academics, government, civil society, industry, ODA, UN and impact financiers
Price per house = 11.000* US$
Generating 600-1200 US$/year
*at industrial mass production
Modular system
Onsite assembly in one day
Durability > 80 years.
Minimum maintenance.
Conforming to building codes
Urban farming
Inclusion of SDG/ Sustainable utilities
Social engineering
75% of materials sourced
nationally or regionally.
Innovation & technology transfer
Cooperation with Government, ODA, EIB,
WB, UN, Universities, R&D industry,
Impact Investors
Production of modules in peer-supported
factories. Focus on
training, productivity, quality
Tridealhouse is cooperating with leading industries and research centers who share their best production know-how and technologies:
Tridealhouse has an open, transparent “SDG industry” cooperation model. The Tridealhouse humanitarian-social and industrial-economic model has grown out of a concept of a “basic needs industry” or “SDG industry” that was inspired by James Grant, DG of UNICEF 25 years ago. Tridealhouse builds on, and integrates the knowledge and best practices of 15 UN and related organizations.
Vaccines can be produced with small fixed profit margin for mass vaccination of all children. The basic SDG needs of all slum dwellers can be met by cooperative industrial production of sustainable houses in which 12 of 17 SDG are integrated. This can be achieved in cooperation with leading industries, research centers, governments, ODA/UN agencies and foundations/ impact investors. We invite all to join.